In our recent peer-reviewed paper Holistic AI researchers and additional contributors highlight the importance of explainability in AI, defining explainability in terms of interoperability. After a discussion of existing literature, we introduce a set of computational model-agnostic metrics to support explainability in AI. We then apply these metrics in a series of experiments. Metrics include:
- Feature Importance-based Metrics: Evaluate the distribution and stability of feature importance across the model, using concepts like entropy and divergence to measure the spread and concentration of feature importance.
- Partial Dependence Curve-based Metric: Assesses the simplicity of the model's response as a function of individual features, using the second derivative of the partial dependence curve to measure non-linearity.
- Surrogacy Model-based Metric: Evaluates the efficacy of simple, interpretable models (surrogates) in approximating the predictions of more complex models.