Get a head start on evolving AI standards

Be informed and prepared for the NIST AI Risk Assessment Framework – exhibit the trustworthiness of your AI systems with our governance and risk assessment solutions that are continuously improved and updated according to emerging standards and practices.

What is the NIST AI Risk Management Framework?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a US federal agency to promote measurement science, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improvethe quality of life as well as one of the leading institutions in AI standards. The institute launched the AI Risk Management Framework (RMF) 1.0 In January 2023. The RMF is a voluntary framework developed through a collaborative process with the involvement of public and private actors and intended to incorporate trustworthiness into the design, development, deployment, and evaluation of AI products and services.

Why get involved with the AI Risk Management Framework?

NIST RMF is the most comprehensive and collaborative framework in the US in the field of AI standardization, the outputs of which may emerge as sector standards or best practices. Our governance platform is an all-in-one solution, providing you with the tools and resources you need to get prepared for the emerging global standards and implement the NIST AI RMF suggestions.

Mitigate risk

Reduce the risk of financial and reputational damage by implementing risk and harm mitigation suggestions for your AI system

Maximize AI efficiency

Manage your AI inventory through mapping suggestions and enact policies to improve development and deployment efficiency

Build trust

Demonstrate a commitment to trustworthy AI, reinforcing customer and stakeholder trust

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Maximize the benefits of your AI

Catalog AI systems

Gain visibility over your entire AI inventory at all system life-cycle stages and map their capabilities

Identify risks

Map risks across 5 key verticals and classify each systems inherent risk from high, medium, or low-risk

Mitigation strategies

Implement customized mitigation strategies based on the individual system’s risk profile, technology, and use case to reduce residual risk

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Is the NIST framework legally binding?

No, but it will likely influence future legislation globally.

What are the key benefits of aligning with the NIST framework?

Aligning with the framework establishes a foundation for responsible and trustworthy AI, fostering public trust.

What are the four key attributes?

Governance, measuring, mapping and managing AI systems.

Who needs to comply?

While not legally binding, AI used by US agencies will be assessed against the framework, which is expected to influence future AI laws globally.

What is the business value for organizations?

Mitigate legal, brand and customer loyalty risks. Identify and manage AI risks effectively, delivering a competitive advantage.

Manage risks and seize a competitive edge

Discover your path to alignment with the NIST AI RMF

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