On 12 September 2023, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law conducted a hearing titled Oversight of AI: Legislating on Artificial Intelligence.
The hearing – which was held by Senators Richard Blumenthal (Democrat, Connecticut) and Josh Hawley (Republican, Missouri), Chair and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee – follows hearings in May and July dubbed Oversight of AI: Rules for Artificial Intelligence and Oversight of AI: Principles for Regulation respectively.
The hearing comes at a critical moment in the U.S. as Congress accelerates its attempts to catch up with advances in AI, with the senators having announced on 7 September, a bipartisan legislative framework to establish guardrails for AI.
As Senator Blumenthal previously declared, “This bipartisan framework is a milestone — the first tough, comprehensive legislative blueprint for real, enforceable AI protections.”
During the hearing, Blumenthal stated the possibility of regulation being achieved by the end of the year.
Taking a risk-based approach meant to encourage U.S. free enterprise and protect and benefit the American people, the framework touches upon five key areas:
All five areas were covered during the hearing, with responses to senators’ questions by witness testimony from William Dally (NVIDIA), Woodrow Hartzog (Boston University School of Law), and Brad Smith (Microsoft).
Other issues considered included the need for effective enforcement of the above safeguards along with international coordination and how to ensure the proper protection against election interference, surveillance, and job displacement.
Around the world, major jurisdictions are scrambling to regulate AI.
Notably, the European Union has proposed the sweeping AI Act, which is now in the final stage of the lawmaking process. Now, Senators Hawley and Blumenthal want to usher in an AI framework in the U.S.
This new dawn for AI regulation brings with it fresh compliance requirements for companies using AI in their business.
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