Adopt the NIST AI RMF with Holistic AI Governance Platform

As AI becomes increasingly integral to business operations, the need for robust governance frameworks has never been more critical. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed the AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF) to help organizations manage and mitigate AI-related risks effectively.

Holistic AI Governance Platform can assist your organization in adopting the NIST AI Risk Management Framework:
  • Implement NIST AI RMF: Adopt NIST AI RMF for your AI deployments to align with recommended risk management practices.
  • Streamline AI Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Perform detailed risk assessments for each AI system, using tailored profiles to ensure precise risk management.
  • Enhance Decision-Making and Strategic Planning: A role based command center and reporting throughout the AI system lifecycle, providing all stakeholders from the C-Suite to your managers with the insights needed for informed, strategic decision-making.

What is the NIST AI Risk Management Framework?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a US federal agency to promote measurement science, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improvethe quality of life as well as one of the leading institutions in AI standards. The institute launched the AI Risk Management Framework (RMF) 1.0 In January 2023. The RMF is a voluntary framework developed through a collaborative process with the involvement of public and private actors and intended to incorporate trustworthiness into the design, development, deployment, and evaluation of AI products and services.

Why Adopt the NIST AI RMF with Holistic AI?

The NIST AI RMF represents the pinnacle of AI standardization frameworks in the U.S., setting a benchmark for comprehensive and collaborative governance. Its guidelines are designed to define sector standards and establish best practices across industries. Choosing the Holistic AI Governance Platform to adopt the NIST framework positions your organization at the forefront of AI governance excellence.

Our comprehensive tools and expert guidance simplify compliance, ensuring you meet and exceed industry standards with confidence. Here’s how our platform specifically supports your goals:

Streamlined Implementation Process

Our platform offers a streamlined implementation process tailored to your organization's unique needs. From initial assessment to full adoption, we guide you through each step of aligning your AI practices with the NIST ARF.

Customized Risk Mitigation Strategies

Holistic AI empowers you to implement customized risk mitigation strategies based on the recommendations outlined in the NIST ARF. By mapping risks across key verticals and classifying system risks, you can proactively address potential challenges and minimize residual risk.

Enhanced AI Efficiency

Maximize the efficiency of your AI initiatives with Holistic AI's inventory mapping suggestions and policy enactment capabilities. Gain full visibility over your AI inventory and optimize development and deployment processes to drive innovation and growth.

Building Trust through Transparency

Demonstrate your commitment to trustworthy AI practices and reinforce stakeholder trust with Holistic AI. Our platform enables you to showcase your adherence to NIST ARF standards, providing transparency and accountability in your AI governance practices.


Is the NIST framework legally binding?

No, but it will likely influence future legislation globally.

What are the key benefits of aligning with the NIST framework?

Aligning with the framework establishes a foundation for responsible and trustworthy AI, fostering public trust.

What are the four key attributes?

Governance, measuring, mapping and managing AI systems.

Who needs to comply?

While not legally binding, AI used by US agencies will be assessed against the framework, which is expected to influence future AI laws globally.

What is the business value for organizations?

Mitigate legal, brand and customer loyalty risks. Identify and manage AI risks effectively, delivering a competitive advantage.

Implementing the NIST AI RMF

Schedule a call with our experts to discover how Holistic AI can help your organization adopt the NIST AI Risk Management Framework and drive success in the evolving landscape of AI governance and compliance.

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